Highlights of the Week
"There is no strategic autonomy without conceptual autonomy"
The silent masters of the oceans: the strategic and non-proliferation implications of nuclear-powered submarines in Australia and Brazil
At the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in 2022, Director General Rafael Grossi emphasizes that “the world of nuclear proliferation and safeguards is changing,” and that this change creates important technical and political challenges. The announcement of the AUKUS agreement and the progress of Brazil’s nuclear-powered submarine program reflect regional geopolitical realignments. Internationally, the IAEA safeguards system is challenged by these developments insofar as they entail risks of nuclear proliferation. How does the acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines impact both the regional and international strategic balance and nuclear non-proliferation norms? The purpose of this research note is to analyze the geopolitical motivations of nuclear-powered submarine programs in Australia and Brazil and their implications for nonproliferation instruments.
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The institute on a daily basis
La Fabrique Défense Paris - January 28, 29 and 30, 2022
Wargame with M.A. International Relations students - November 19, 2021
Signature of the partnership agreement between CESA and IESD - September 16, 2021.
Symposium "The future of airpower in Europe" - April 14, 2021
Anti-Missile Workshop - December 12, 2020
Presentation of the Champ de Mars Magazine - October 23, 2019