Research Seminar “The Strategic Challenges of New Space: Thoughts on a Dynamic Phenomenon”
Session 2: Ad Lunam, cooperation and competition on the way to the Moon

With the publicisation of the Artemis programme, the Moon has once again become a subject of interest, particularly for China, which sees it as an opportunity to compete directly with the United States and its allies since its ousting from American space programmes. Competition in the space sector is now reflected in economic, strategic and diplomatic choices based above all on a desire to challenge states without having recourse to direct conflict and focusing on the implementation of mirror programmes or rival missions. What if a new Cold War was taking place in the space sector?
The program
Dr. Didier Schmitt –
Strategy and coordination group leader for human and robotic exploration (ESA)Jean-Daniel Testé – Former commanding officer of the French Joint Space Command (CIE), President (Aerospace Lab SAS France)
Peter Weiss – Founder and CEO (Spartan Space)
Modération :
Brian Kalafatian – Phd. Candidate and research fellow at the Institute of Strategic and Defense Studies (IESD).